Monday, August 8, 2011

School required reading

Yesterday when I went to Meijer with my family for grocery shopping, this just came to my mind all of the sudden when passing by the book section.

There were sections for magazine, coloring books, novels, etc., and there was this bookshelf sitting on the group alone. My brother proudly point out about five of the books on that shelf which he has read. And my reaction was that yes, I've either seen them floating around in the high school hall way or I have read them myself, too. The interpretation was that, just like our discussion at the very beginning of the class, the required reading for middle school and high schools probably have not been change for the past couple decades. Are these book really that great that even when the area changed, the book are still the best to be chosen as required reading for American students? Or is it really because that the government has no budget for new and more appropriate books? Or is it simply because the board of Education simply is not willing to put in the time to discover the possibility of better books?

Personally, I think that Education is the most important thing to worry about in life of today's world. Almost every individual has a opportunity to learn and grow, either in a school setting or just a crowd to get together and learn. No matter in what forms of learning; it is the one thing that anybody should never quit or be excused from doing. Without basic education, people who are controlling and living at the top of the world won't have today's success. However, why are we still sacrasificing education budget as one of first target for budget cut? Why are teachers not being rewarded for educating and training all the possible future hero and monopolies?

Before deciding to become an Elementary Education major, I have never thought of any of these things before. The first impression about being a teacher to almost anyone is having to deal with kids, but really, are teachers' job just to deal with kids? Why do teachers get the minimum pay for having to deal with multiple types of pressure and responsiblities while those scientists may only care about making more money or make themselves and their boss look smarter? True, that might have been an unfair stereotypes, but really, can we try to slow the world down so that those with poverty can have a chance to catch up with the world and maybe be given as equal as possible of chance to fight for their life? I do not want to give a very firm opinion right on this page, but I really want to say that teachers can be a very holistic job mentally.

1 comment:

  1. I found this post extremely interesting and loved all of Katherine's thoughts. It blows my mind that education is thought to be one of the most important things in a persons life, yet when the government needs to cut jobs and budgets they go straight to teachers and schools. It is really a backwards way to think. With no teachers, you have no education, without an education today you can hardly get a job anywhere. So why is it that we target educators and schools first. It really doesn't make sense.

    However, I don't think that students reading the same books year after year has that much to do with the budget cut. I believe that we read the same novels year after year because they have proven themselves as great novels to use in classrooms. The books we use to teach students are tools, and if they are educating children in the best way possible why switch them out and risk losing that tool.
