Monday, July 18, 2011

Online Reading - Blogs!

Okay, clearly this is the entire reason behind the existence of this blog, and our participation. However, I was curious about the different varieties of blogs and online journals that people regularly read or upload to. There is such a vast range of blogs and journals that sometimes i'm overwhelmed. There are blogs about makeup, shopping, fashion, tech products, art, crafts, gardening, cooking, journals that range from ranting teenagers, online comedians, sophisticated discussion seekers...The menu of options is so endless, I feel like I'm at the cheesecake factory.

Personally, I'll admit to having taken part in the ranting teenager category, and attempted an art and baking blog. note, key term; attempted. I'm not much of a writer, however I have come to enjoy reading blogs very much. I regularly follow a number of cooking and baking blogs, as well as arts and crafts blogs. Following in the train of thought behind our first blog assignment (where we watched "Shift Happens")I believe that at this day and age, many people do much of their learning online. My knowledge is enriched daily, not only by the new recipes and DIY project ideas, but by the millions of voices that are available at our very fingertips. Much of my writing has been benefited and influenced by reading various different styles of writing available on the internet! We all have a unique voice when it comes to writing, but we also have ranging voices for different written settings. I feel as though reading online provides us with the opportunity to experience a small glimpse at the reality of this fact. A few questions you should ask yourself; What have i learned from online reading? and how has it impacted my writing and way of interpreting literature?


  1. I really haven't gotten into blogging and I'm kind of wondering if this class will change my mind about it. I feel like I can't believe there are people who actually have time to do this because they want to. I guess I just don't have the journalistic attitude and would rather post a link and a sentence on facebook than write a whole article about something. I have opinions but I guess I just don't feel like they are so important that anyone other than my close friends really care to read about it. I'm not expert on anything, and I don't know that my opinion would or could make a significant difference in the online community.

  2. I have always thought about blogging because I find cool things online and want to share. Sometimes I just want a place to talk about things and I’d rather type then get out a pen and paper. I’m a little apprehensive about other people being able to read my thoughts so that is why I haven’t actually blogged. I have taken to twitter though, as an outlet for sharing. I really like twitter because it gives a quick opinion, link, or quote to think about. I’m sometimes uninterested in long paragraphs and would prefer something short to think about. I’ve used twitter in one of my classes as sort of an announcement and link sharing system with my professor.
    Online reading has made me more skeptical of literature I think. When I go to a website I check to see who made it because I think its pretty easy to see biases in writing online and that causes cautiousness that transitions to all types of writing. Although I’m skeptical of biases when I think I’m reading something factual I do value all of the different peoples’ opinions you can find online. It’s great to be able to hear ideas from so many people across the world on the Internet.

  3. The internet has drastically changed the way people learn and read. Things are so accessible now that I feel like people barely form their own thoughts. I mean when we are all writing our responses for the books in class, I am sure the first thing some people do is check what other people have said about the book online. I personally think that people should be more distanced from technology.
    Someone I was talking to recently was surprised to hear that I never have checked the reviews on the professors I will have on allMSU. I would like to form my own opinions on professors and back in the day before the internet people found out about professors by word of mouth and that's it. I would prefer it to still be that way, so it's more of a fair chance to get into good professors' classes. It would also mean that people will be less glued to their computers and phones and that is a definitely good thing in my eyes.
