Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Will You Read JK Rowling's Next Work?

In all the Harry Potter mania I saw an article/ poll asking readers if they would read JK Rowling’s next book. The article said that she has admitted multiple times to be writing since she wrote the last Potter book. I wanted to ask you all the same question. Will you read her next book?

I’m not sure if I would read her next book or not. The Harry Potter books created an amazing world with such interesting descriptions. I don’t see how one author could create two of those worlds. Or would she even try? What if she wrote a different sort of book, something that wasn’t fantasy? Would it still be great, or was what made Harry Potter great, the fantasy elements and in-depth world.

Sometimes I don’t like to ruin series. I won’t see a sequel if I like a movie and I don’t think the sequel has potential, or if a series goes on too long and starts burning out I wont finish it. I don’t like to see books, TV show or movies ruined. If she wrote a bad book I don’t think the Harry Potter craze would be ruined but maybe it would just be awkward. I don’t think, after a series like Harry Potter, there could really be a high expectation from her next book. I mean, how could you top Harry Potter?


  1. I don't think I will read the book because I feel like I'm too old to be reading children's lit. in my past time. Besides that society has made me SO lazy therefore I will wait until the movie comes out! And if a movie does not come out the only way I will read the book is if Barack Obama or Oprah tell me to. Seriously, I've become that lazy.

  2. I don’t know that I would read her next book either. I loved the Harry Potter series and I just don’t know how she could ever create anything close to that. I think that in my mind she will always just be the author of Harry Potter no matter what other books she writes just like I will always see the actor who played Harry in the movies as Harry no matter what other films he does. I agree that if she wrote a bad book it wouldn’t completely ruin Harry Potter for me, but I do think that it would influence how I think/feel about the Harry Potter series.

    Having read multiple books by a few other authors, I have noticed that authors tend to have many similarities between books that they have written. Knowing this makes me think that if Rowling did write another book it would be relatively similar to Harry Potter. If this is the case, I don’t think that I would like it very much solely because Harry Potter was so great, and it would be hard to create anything that even compares to it.

  3. I would be interested in reading her next work, mostly out of the respect i have for her due to the harry potter series. Not only was the plot and entire world so thoroughly conceptualized, but the writing itself did not disappoint me, which is how i often feel about hyped literature such as the Nicholas Sparks novels. I also feel as though a mind as creative as hers is capable of creating another interesting and fantastic story. My only reason for hesitation would be a tiny bit of worry that it would be similar in concept and plot to Harry Potter, causing it to feel like an unoriginal weak version of Harry potter. However I would be interested, out of curiosity.
