Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Shift Happens - Teaching, Technology, and Change

Shift Happens - Technology, Teaching and Employment

How do you think this is going to impact you personally and how might this impact education (both as a teacher and as a future or potential parent)? What does it make you think about and what does this mean for literacy and literature?


  1. Since it seems this video was made 5 years ago, I can only imagine how these numbers have increased since then. I think it is scary how quickly our society has become almost exclusively based off technology. We can now do just about anything without leaving our homes. By using the internet we can purchase anything you can think of, make new "friends", order dinner, take a class, read a book, see a friend who lives across the world... It is kind of unsettling to think how the world is going to be in 10 years. Technology advances so fast and I can't even imagine what they will come up with next. Frankly, I think it moves a little bit too fast for our own good. In some aspects it might hurt us more than it helps us, especially the younger population. Remember when kids had to play outside and use their imagination instead of sitting inside playing computer games? Remember when you had to actually go out into the world to meet new people or catch up with a friend? It makes me wonder what will happen over time to human socialization skills...? It has me nervous to reproduce because kids are brought up in a completely different world than they were 20 or even 10 years ago. Just how young do you think that kids will be getting on the internet instead of reading a book, and what will they be learning? It seems like eventually books will be phased out, since we are already heading that way. How long will it be before all we need is a computer? How long will it be before we regret inventing too much technology?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I also think that technology is moving too fast. My generation has kind of grown along with it so I feel like I had the best of both worlds, I know how to use new technologies but I also appreciate the simpler things. I have an eight-year-old brother who has grown up only knowing the advanced technologies. He plays video games all of the time, uses TiVo, knows how to text, has special stuffed animals that come with a website world, and thinks he should get a cell phone. It scares me sometimes when I walk in the room and he is on the Internet because you never know where it could lead. The Internet is a scary place for kids left unattended; one click could take you to an inappropriate site. I think kids are growing up so fast now. It also worries me because although I know sports are still important for kids, the kids I know don’t seem to know how to have fun outside gadgets. I would like to see kids playing outside and really appreciating nature more, or even just playing games with friends outside. There are educational games on the Internet but they are crammed with advertisements.
    I think this makes a case for the necessity of teachers being more accessible to their students. If teachers want to connect the most with their students they need to understand the vocabulary students are using and where we spend our time: the internet. The video asks who we asked questions from before there was Google; almost hinting at the opinion that computers have made teachers less useful than before. I think this isn’t always true and a teacher can still be useful/ relevant if they are progressing technologically at a similar rate as the student. Resulting in both the student and teacher increasing their learning capabilities. So I guess overall I think that we need to keep up with the everchanging technology but maybe not at such a young age, or at least reinforce traditional ideals at the same time.

  4. This video was pretty unbelievable. I’m completely aware of the fact that today’s society, myself included, relies heavily on technology. However, because our generation has grown up with all these advances and it has become somewhat natural to us, I think we forget just how much our life revolves around it. Technology (social networking specifically) is such a common thing for us that we’ll waste so much time consuming our lives with it and we don’t even realize it. I think this habit of using the Internet, television, and other forms of technology will just keep increasing and continue to consume a large part of our lives. I think kids will start using the Internet at a younger age, they will have cell phones at a younger age, and will start receiving laptops at a younger age. I think all the new technology and the fact that it is getting in the hands of younger people will eventually phase out books (things like nooks and ipods have already started working at that). I think there will always be new literature, and literacy rates will stay the same (maybe even get better because of online reading games and such) but I also believe the literature will become more available in forms of nooks, computers, and ipads, and less available in the form of books. Although all this new technology can have negative affects on the generations to come I also think it can have a very positive impact especially in the classrooms. Technology opens all sorts of new doors for educators. It is now possible to communicate with educators from around the world and learn from them (new methods of teaching, how to make a classroom run smoother, ideas for teaching tricky subjects, etc.). Also, there are all sorts of computer games that can be very useful with learning how to read, count, and learn other useful things if used properly. As longs as educators continue to balance technology with other methods of learning I think technology can have a very positive impact on education in the future.

  5. Technology is an inevitable force that is affecting every area of work in our world today, even education. I could not believe that 100% of college graduates in India speak English. The number one English speaking country in the world in ten years is predicted to be china. These statistics are surprising to me. It also spoke about college graduates changing jobs 10-14 times before they find their career. These statistics about China and India are another reason that technology has to be in the classrooms and children need to learn about the new technology so they can compete in the flooded job markets in the U.S. for years to come. With all of the graduates in India and China, there will be many coming to the U.S. for jobs. We need to prepare our students for this competitive job market with the right tools. These tools are becoming more and more technology related. One thing that holds us back from providing this education about technology is funding. As we discussed in class, schools don’t have enough money for new textbooks. This means that there would inevitably not be enough money in the budget for new technology like computers, Ipads, etc. This lack of resources will hurt our children’s opportunities to succeed and for our country to succeed. There needs to be a change to help put our children first in terms of literacy, learning, and skills.

  6. I have a great appreciation for technology, in some aspects that is. Technology is a great resource for everyone, it can expose people to things from all over the world and can help people get the information that they want (expanding peoples horizons of literature). Students who are able to take advantage of this technology can really benefit from it. Considering today's job market, technology education needs to be integrated into schools more. However, I think that people have become much too reliant on technology and that should be recognized. Kids should also be taught to distance themselves from technology and learn to appreciate the simpler things in life.
    On another note, a few people mentioned the actual book becoming obsolete. Logically I think that if there is one thing I know about electronics, its that they fail. So there should still be some books made out of paper, like they are supposed to be.

  7. Of course the advancement of technology is a conversation that needs to be had in this country! I cannot believe that there is a person in this country who could think differently. Technology’s rise has no plateau in the near future, so it is vital for us as a nation to keep our citizens up to date with this. It is especially important for teachers to understand new technology so they can better inform the future generations they are teaching. I learned in my IAH class that in the next 60 years it is likely that English will no longer be the dominant language. Experts predict that Mandarin will likely take over and will be the most predominantly used language for most business transactions. So, it is not only in the technology world that teachers need to be informed. To provide the best of the best to their students they need to be connected to all forms of information because they are the resource children are provided with for their foundation in their lifetime of learning. Globalization is happening, as was said in the video, children in Africa who didn’t have access to a textbook are accessing the internet and have the ability to connect with all of us! The world is more accessible than ever to everyone, in some wonderful ways and some not so good. Rather than be frightened of or worry about the abuse of this privilege we need to teach our future generations how to appreciate these things and how to set limits so that they can still appreciate the natural beauty of the world as well.

  8. Currently I am enrolled in two classes that stress the importance of integrating technology in the classroom so while this video has extremely surprising numbers, I think it definitely sends out a necessary message to its viewers. I think the name, "Shift Happens," is an extremely fitting title for this video because what it comes down to is that the world is changing...and quickly. Educators are the foundation of learning so it is crucial that teachers begin integrating technology in the classroom with students as young as 5 years old. As the video said, "We need to prepare students for technology that doesn't yet exist," which is a scary thought when you think about it. Even having a simple classroom blog teaches children how to access and use the internet while also engaging students in a new method of learning. Although many of the numbers in the video were startling, I think this shift toward a technological society can be a potentially great thing since education can reach corners of the earth that were once left without any resources. Not to mention the walls of our own classrooms will expand if we have access to laptops and other forms of technology. As teachers, our goal is not to create competent first or second graders, but to teach students how to be competent in the real world one day. If computers are exceeding the intelligence of humans, its time we introduced young students to technology so they can be successful in the future.

  9. It is amazing how quickly technology has advanced over the years, and how quickly it is still advancing. Technology has had a huge impact on education. Pretty much every class I have taken in college, and many that I took in high school, rely heavily on technology and the Internet. This video shows that technology is only going to continue to expand, and be used. As teachers, we need to prepare our youth to be able to use this technology. A big part of education is to prepare students to go into the workforce. Therefore it is our job to make sure that student have exposure to all the different forms of technology. I believe that as technology changes so does literature. More and more newspapers, magazines, and books are becoming available online or through things such as a kindle. And, as a result, less people are paying to buy these things in print, when they can get then free, or at a discounted price online. With this change comes a change in our need for people who are familiar with this sort of technology, which changes the job market. It is our job as teachers to prepare our students to be successful in the job market, thus we must teach them how to use the different forms of technology. Overall, I believe that technology will continue to change and expand and thus we must change and expand to utilize it.

  10. The first thing that this video made me think about was my mom's daily comments on how my siblings and i are constantly glued to a screen at home, whether it be the tv, laptop, or cell phones. Sadly, this is true. I often find myself feeling almost panicked without some sort of access to the internet or instant messaging.

    Though the exponential growth in technology provides us with constant improvements in crucial points to society such as communication and education. In some ways, it also hinders and stunts the growth of society. The generation that follows most quickly with the growth of technology include middle school to highschoolers, beyond this generation, there is a huge gap between one generation from the next. A technology gap that leaves adults more confused, lost and distanced from the younger generation. The growing rate of technology also leads to the loss of many traditions and culture. which to me, is a sad reality.

    In terms of education, various new technologies are used to enhance educational experiences, but are these being applied correctly? are they being distributed evenly? in some ways, Google searching for answers often result in faulty knowledge and biased views.

    Concerning literature, much of it is available online now. The effectiveness and physical existence of newspapers and magazines are rapidly diminishing as people are starting to utilize the internet for news and devices such as kindle for books. Hand-in-hand with the availability of text online, is the threat of piraters and l33t speakers. One of the largest issues with advancing technology users. I fear that because of the constantly increasing size of the online community, literature and intelligent/accurate literacy may be threatened.

  11. Constantly developing technology has improved the way of life for billions of people around the world and has the potential to continue on with these improvements. Defined to my understanding technology is human knowledge used to produce more efficiently. Though this is a definition it may not always hold true. Tools such as the 'Smart Pen' or 'Dragon Naturally Speaking' when used in a proper manor can increase opportunity for success in education. While cell phones and video game are also forms of technology, they don't have much value outside of entertainment. Spending half the time that of which people under the age of 21 have spent playing games or sending messages on phones, convert it over to time spent using educational technology could impact and improve education success. In the title alone after watching this video I can say for certain technology will continue to develop in the ideology to help better life as we live today. But without investment in educating, wouldn't it make more sense to think about who creates technology in the first place...don't think it just happens without effort.

  12. Videos like “Shift Happens” amaze me, but they also scare me. It is insane how quickly technology changes and how different the people of the 21st century are, compared to people of the other centuries. Right now, I think I am capable to use all the technological devices. However, at the rate they are changing I am frightened that by the time I have kids or they grow up that I will be technology dumb. I do not want to be one of those old people that are frustrating to work with because they do not know how to operate devices properly. Technological advances greatly impact students’ education. As a teacher, there would be pros and cons to new technology. Obviously, it is new and improved technology that is supposed to make students’ work easier. However, there are things to take into consideration such as plagiarizing. As a parent, I would have to keep up to date with all the new devices to connect with my children and ensure they are safe. I use, have used, or at least tried out all the new technology out these days because I am curious. It is cool to see what people invent, but it also saddens me because the world is becoming too modern. Whatever happened to a pencil and paper? I am not really one to talk because I use my computer for most everything, but it is still sad that those days are or will be over soon. They are already coming out with devices such as Kindle and iPad that are electronic books. There will probably be a lot more literature being read since it is on the go friendly and people’s writing and vocabularies could be improve.

  13. This video has always been a sourced being used in teaching because I have personally watched this a couple times throughout high school and college. And this is already a good example to prove the important of the use of technology in today’s classrooms.
    I believe that everyone is somehow aware of how rapidly our world has changed in the notion of the role of technology in everyday life. On a personal level, I rely on technology so much that I cannot even imagine how uncomfortable it would have been if I were to have no access to any source of technology whatsoever. Just a couple days ago, my mom was warning me about talking on the phone, chatting through skype, text messaging on cell-phone and facebooking all the time, and not spending even half of that amount of time talking to the family. These technological ways of communication has become a necessity of today’s society. From this, I think this could lead to an argument that technology is simply a huge distraction for learning. As technology approaching the younger generation, it can replace the role of books as an entertainment. Picking up a book to read when there’s nothing to do, children may be more interested in playing computer games. Even though there are a lot of learning games that can definitely help kids learn, the value of holding a book and being able to flip a page is simply a valuable traditional way to enjoy literatures.
    Please, if I could bag anyone, stop pushing the world so hard for technology to become the emperor of the natural human society. If so many of us love to travel or sit in the nature and enjoy the relaxing moment being part of the nature, why are we also trying so hard to get away from it?

  14. It is incredible to think of the statistics which the video showed. With technology rapidly changing and developing, we also have to change and learn. The statistic of college graduates changing jobs 10-14 times before they find their career demonstrates just how competitive and hard it is to find a good, steady career. Not only this, but with people all over the world getting educations and able to speak english is only making finding a good job harder and more competitive. I feel it is important to prepare our children with the tools which will make them more marketable and able to do more things. Technology can help prepare students for this. However, it is still important for teachers to not forget about things like books and creativity. This is what shapes a child, not technology. All in all, I feel that it is incredible just how fast technology is changing and developing and we must take advantage of it. At the same time it is important to develop our children's literacy and their understanding of literature.

  15. Our technology is constantly evolving rapidly but our education system needs to play catch up.I am not talking about the technologies needed in the classroom but the knowledge to create it. Is the education system teaching our future to be the creators of technology or to be dependent on it? I know a four year old who has an ipad, yet she struggles with colors.When is technology too much? Every few months there is something new topping the older technology, and people are addicted to it. Is technology hindering our drive to learn, teach, and excel? Don't get me wrong, when technology is used in moderate positive matter then i believe its a help. The time people spend playing online games, social networking, etc. takes away time away from real life interactions.Children would not want to pick up a book if they can play online all day.Technology is tempting and entices you more and more as it becomes more complex. It is vital to make literacy and learning as desirable because if not, then we will be ruled by technology.

  16. I think its funny that the Youtube video is outdated. I could be wrong, but hasn't Facebook replaced Myspace? Just a comment on how quickly technology changes, and I think we have a responsibility to try to keep up. To respond to the question of how it will impact me, I have changed many aspects of my teaching to adapt to the technology that's out there that students are pretty much addicted to: I use a free internet service called Polleverywhere.com in my Spanish class. I pose a question in Spanish and students text their response. I project their responses on the board and we discuss them in various ways. Students come in daily and ask if we're going to play the texting game. If I asked them to do the same thing with a pencil and paper, I'd get groans and complaints. Another thing I did just this last year was I asked students to create a Facebook page for a character from the Outsiders. Most of them got REALLY into it and exceeded the requirements because they thought it was really fun. So, I am trying to incorporate the technology they use and enjoy into the classroom to engage their interest and make what we learn memorable.
