Monday, August 15, 2011

Are children the new head of the household?

According to an article from Brands and Branding Intelligence, an organization about branding, Children influence almost 80 percent of parents’ brand purchasing decisions, and Fifty-eight percent of children across the globe claim they tell their parents what to buy.  This is extremely significant since most children do not actually make the purchase someone else is the buyer.  So how did children become the head of the house?

My first thought is the breakdown of the family.  With divorce rates climbing every year, part-time parents are easily convinced to spoil their child.  Children also realize that they can pit their parents against one another in order to get what they want.  The part-time parents don’t want to be seen as “the mean one” or for “new dad” to buy their kids nicer things. 

Another thought that comes to mind is the idea of “keeping up with the Jones’” which doesn’t fall solely on children or teenagers.  The idea consumerism and constantly having the newest and the best stuff is a product of our parents and our culture.  Adults buy into the same game when they make purchasing decision, so when their children want something because so-and-so has it parents are willing to cave.  Parents will cave because the number one way they compete is who has the best family. 

Finally kids are picky and don’t like to try new things easily, so its understandable if parents get sucked into a brand because otherwise their child won’t eat or do their homework or whatever it is they’re being stubborn about.  I think the old adage goes “spoil the rod not the child” maybe we are being too soft on children.  Children shouldn’t grow up getting whatever they want they learn to work for it, but unfortunately it would seem today’s kids do.


  1. I agree with whoever posted this, and I'd like to add another thought to this. I think that children being spoil has to do with the different between the rich and the poors now a days. As the world has rely more and more on high technology, which requires an amount of dollars spent, brand and being able to catch up with the newest technology has started to spread to the younger age.
    Just the other day when I was watching a Chinese news, one can simply see how the world is unfair from two news. The first news were reporting about how helpless and bad the conditions for those who are suffering through the natural disasters while the next news reported how Japan is invest extra amount of dollars in Taiwan to grow the best tasting rice. Just one second or two between the two news, you can see one side of the world surviving and one side of the world being so spoiled.
    What's up with our world? I have always wanted to ask; could we slow down and help others?

  2. Seeing all of the money that companies get for all of the paraphernalia from all of these movies and shows that are out show how much this post is true. Many of today's children, no matter what class they are in, it seems as if they all seem to have a silver spoon in their mouths. Advertisers certainly cater to any and of their needs and the servants are the parents trying to keep their child up to date with all of the new trends. Buying and shelling out money left and right. But the question is how can we wean children off of this trendiness. America's greediness and bratty behavior has ultimately corrupted our children's behavior. How do we stop this? Can we stop this? And could it get any worse than it already is?

  3. We have wonderful advertisement to thank for our unquenchable desire of stuff.i did not grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth nor was "spoiled" with luxurious things and new technologies. If i wanted anything i had to work for it. I did not get everything i wanted as a child but i was given everything i needed.Kids nowadays lack responsibility and have little desire to earn anything.Not only does this increase greediness but also laziness (and unappreciative sentiments).Can you say spoiled brat? Kids see something and want it, parents buy it so they can be "cool" or just not bothered anymore.A lot of parent(s) are materialistic themselves and that also can be rubbed off on their kid(s). Both parties need self control. My mom always told me that "I am not your friend, i am your mother. Don't i give you what you need? That is my duty and anything other than that is a bonus that you should appreciate." Some may think its harsh but i thank her for that today because she is right. Parent(s) need to learn their place and be able to say no to frivolous things that will more than likely be on the floor within a week. Children need to learn that they can't have everything, despite all the whining and crying they do. If they do want something then they should earn it by hard work and a mutual agreement with their guardian. Sadly some of these parents are as spoiled as their kids.
