Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kid's Magazines

When I was a kid I got the Highlights magazine with the puzzles and games in it. I still remember doing the hide and seek page and finding all of the clues in the big picture. My brother gets Sports Illustrated for Kids and whenever I come home he is always showing me little parts of it that he likes or finds funny. Similar to the post or discussion we had on book series I was thinking that magazines for kids could be a good way to keep them excited about reading. Knowing that a magazine is going to show up in the mail each month is even kind of exciting for me, so I would think kids could think so too. A nice thing about magazines too is that you choose a magazine to subscribe to based on your current interests but the content makes connections to other topics which could expand your interests. I always think its cool to see a kid who has a hobby and knows a lot of information about it. I think a magazine could help a kid become more interested in searching farther into their interest to learn more and more information. Sometimes magazines seem like they are made to further a brand, like the American Girl magazine. As sad as it is, with such a good intentioned activity such a reading, I think you have to be careful not to buy into anything that is operating out of the aspect of the business of publishing. For example all of those books that are piggy backing off of common trends like the vampire books or the scholastic products.

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