Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Book Craze

I grew up reading Harry Potter and will always be a dedicated fan at heart. I cried when main characters died, laughed when Mrs. Weasley said her infamous line "not my daughter you b****" to Bellatrix, and cheered when Ron and Hermione finally got together. With the ending of the last movie this past summer and the final book already out, I didn't think there would be another book craze like Harry Potter for years to come. Then I saw the movie trailer for Twilight and realized that another generation of readers is adopting a new book craze sooner that I thought: The Twilight Series. While I will never accept Twilight as a quality book series I believe that if getting into a series like Twilight gets kids reading and involved in literature I fully support the newest book craze.

In my opinion if there is a book series that gets kids excited to read and talking about books and becoming involved in intense book discussions then all readers should support it no matter their feelings about the series itself. I have read the full Twilight series, and must admit that while the writing isn't up to par and I'm unable to connect with or like any of the characters, the plot itself is intriguing. The idea of a fantasy world occurring inside the real world is a huge draw for readers. Readers can connect with Bella Swan because she's your average high school student who moves to a new town and doesn't know anyone. Many kids can connect with this feeling of being lost and trying to fit in. Plus with the added bonus of two attractive, romantic guys fighting for the love of one girl is a huge draw for many readers. As much as I will never be a big fan of Twilight I love how it gets kids who wouldn't normally pick up a book a chance to get involved in a huge book series. I have seen this in my own life through my sister's attachment to the series. My sister was never a huge reader, she read once in a while, but unlike me who always has a book in my hand, she just wasn't into reading. After reading the Twilight series she got excited about reading and couldn't wait for each new book to come out. Her friends would have book discussions about the characters and would buy tickets weeks in advance for the midnight movie premieres. Once she had finished all the Twilight books she began reading other books and is definitely a book lover now.

With so many new TV shows and new video games coming out, kids can sometimes veer away from picking up a book for their entertainment. So, with the introduction of book crazes like Harry Potter, Twilight, and other series kids are beginning to get more involved with literature and using books as a new found source of entertainment and fun. Reading gets kids involved in discussions, gives them issues to think about, and helps them learn about different time periods, settings and different types of people. As a future Elementary Education teacher and a book lover I'm in complete support of books crazes that get kids involved and become in love with reading.


  1. I think you made a great point Katie. We definitely should support book crazes, especially if they are keeping children excited about reading. I think it is a great thing when children take it upon themselves to read series of books and discuss them with friends. I also think these series should be introduced in the classroom so that students can have something that interest them and something they enjoy.

    Personally, I love Twilight myself, but I have to agree with you. It is not up to par and I can not connect with any of the characters. It is the plot that interest me. At first I could not understand why people were so addicted to this series, but once you start reading it you automatically want to continue it because you are curious to know what is going to happen next. With that being said, I absolutely support book crazes. As long as it is getting children to enjoy reading, I do not see any harm in it.

  2. I completely agree. Regardless of whether or not I like a book, if it gets kids reading, then I am all for the reading and teaching of that book.

    This is a little off topic - but basically the gist of what I am going to say is that students who don't like to read sometimes need to be pushed - OR need to be introduced to books that interest them specifically...

    My brother is not a big reader (a fact that disappoints me!) but he loves the Harry Potter MOVIES. Me being the obnoxious older sister I am, I tease him about not really knowing anything about Harry Potter/not really being a true fan. Then, this summer, I decided to read him a book from the series- on road trips with our family, and even sometimes at night. He now reads them by himself! I think I showed him that reading is not that bad after all.

    As educators, we need to remember that not all students will have the same passion for reading as we do, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a book out there that will draw their attention or that there isn't a way to get them to enjoy reading now and then.
