Friday, October 14, 2011

Let's Go On an Adventure!

While I was reading about Adventure in "Family of Readers," I came across something that said Adventure was geared more towards boys. This got me thinking to books I used to read, and how this isn't always true. I was a fan of Mary Kate and Ashley, and they were known for their silly, girly books about parties. Then a new part of their series came out, which was Adventure and Mystery. They are trying to get girls to read other types of books and not just the stereotypical girly books. Which I think is great! Kids need to expand their interest in stories, and try new ones out. Dora the Explorer is another good example of Adventure, geared at young preschoolers. Most apparel with the trademark Dora on them is girls clothing and accessories, whereas her cousin Diego is on boys clothing. Even Little Einstein's is a group of boys and girls that go on adventures together, and is age appropriate for all children. Adventure is a topic that all kids love and enjoy, lots of TV shows will have the line, "Lets go on an adventure!" I will agree that boys are more drawn by nature towards adventure stories, but lots of girls are too!


  1. I agree Kylie. As a child I was a HUGE fan of Mary Kate and Ashely. I really enjoyed reading their books and I had all of their movies. I think their mystery and adventure collection was a great idea. It is good for kids to read all types of books. It is also good for girls to see that boys are not the only ones who can participate in adventurous activities. I also agree with you about Dora the Explorer being another good example. Her books, movies, and TV show also introduces girls to adventures. So, I would have to disagree with the Family of Readers. Adventure is not geared more towards boys. If you look around there are a lot of books, toys, games, etc that are adventurous for girls.

  2. I love the word adventure and have always been fond of them-- I think growing up with a brother probably enhanced my want to pal around with him and go see what adventures we could find. I did not read too many "girly" books myself but I know many of the girls I babysit do. I know when you are young it is easy to do what everyone else is doing and most girls are reading those books while most boys are reading more adventure types. I think it is great to have series like Nancy Drew or even the Mary Kate and Ashley ones that helps girls realize it is ok to be adventurous and to explore and not just talk about hair and makeup and boys.

  3. I believe that adventure books do seem to be geared more towards boys which is an unfortunate product of the society we live in, where gender stereotypes have labeled boys as the explorers and adventurers, and girls must be drawn to more emotionally driven plots. From the above comments I can see that more adventure/thriller books are being made with girls in mind, and I'm seeing real progress when I look around bookstores these days. there are lots of books about teenage spies and undercover operations that would be appealing to both boys and girls. that's another thing, a really good adventure book should, in my opinion be appealing to boys and girls. For example, one of my favorite books from elementary school was called Naya Nuki (By Thomasma). It is the story of an indian girl who has been captured by a rival tribe and taken far away from her family.The main portion of the book is the dangers and adventure that Naya Nuki encounters as she tries to make her way back to her family. Everyone in my class loved it, boys, girls, and the teacher included. I bought the book and it is sitting on my book shelf at home, a truly exceptional adventure story.
