Monday, October 17, 2011

Just for Laughs

While reading this weeks assigned reading from A Family of Readers, "What's So Funny, Mr. Scieszka?" I came across a quote that really stood out to me. In the section the author says, "Why is tragedy seen as being more substantial than comedy? Why do we believe sadness is a more valid and a deeper emotion than happiness? Why is it that funny stuff never wins the awards?" (pg. 165). This quote really stuck out to me because it really got me thinking about society's view of tragedy being better than humor. This can be seen in many aspects, such as the "serious" movies always winning the Academy Awards and the controversial novels being the ones that make the New York Times Bestsellers List. I think that comedy is just as important as tragedy and that it helps kids and people everywhere learn to laugh at life and enjoy the funny moments.

In high school most of the books we read for English classes were always books that had a serious quality, raised controversial issues, and got people into heated debates. While all of these books were thought provoking and interesting reads, it would have been nice to incorporate a comedy into the English lesson plans. Incorporating comedy and humor novels into lesson plans would expose students to an even wider range of genres. If reluctant readers are given the chance to read a different genre other than the "classics", they might find that they enjoy different genres and learn to love reading. Also, I think comedy books help students escape from their everyday lives and become lost in a funny story. Especially when sad and tragic events are occurring all over the world and in local communities, it's nice to sit down and have a good laugh from a book. I know that for me, whenever I'm going through a stressful time, sitting down and having a good laugh always improves my mood. Another interesting topic that was mentioned in the quote was the fact that comedies rarely win the prestigious Academy Awards. I think this is because society thinks that in order for a movie or novel to be considered profound it needs to be serious and tragic. I think that comedy is just as substantial as tragedy because it brings the viewer or reader along the journey and allows them to escape and have a good laugh.

I love books that make me laugh and movies that make me walk out with a great feeling. The power of comedy and humor is that it makes readers and viewers feel good about themselves and gives them a chance to step back from their everyday lives and become lost in a good joke. Just like the old saying "Laughter is the best medicine".

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