Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How far is to far?

So last week in class we spent a big chunk of time discussing Disney movies, cartoons, etc and the secret message they could be sending young kids. Although I do not disagree that perhaps secret meanings and obvious views are displayed, are we getting to the point where we are trying to shelter kids to much? I'm not a parent so I don't know what it is like to raise kids, but I can't help but laugh sometimes when we criticize things like Disney movies for sending the wrong message to 4 and 5 years old kids who we hope make it to the bathroom on their own. I'm not saying lets let our kids just watch anything either, I remember not being allowed to watch The Simpson's when I was younger, but that compared to Snow White? Anyway, I laugh that it takes most of us until we are about teenagers in high school or about to become adults to see ideas that are wrong in Disney and think maybe are kids shouldn't be watching them. Anyone else feel the same or different?


  1. I agree, I do not think Disney movies harm a child's thought process. They simply imitate society and the way we are socialized in society in term of gender roles. gender roles are seen everywhere in society, women are often seen as house wives who take care of the family while men work and bring home money. As children we imagine our life the way we want it to be which creates hope and desire to achieve these goals. You never want to tell a child they can not do something or attempt to diminish their dreams. They are still young, it does not occur to them that life is not this way. I do not see anything wrong with letting them believe this. As they grow up, mature and take part in the real world they will realize there is more to life than a fairy tale ending.

  2. I personally feel like there comes a point in time where things are out the control of the parents, especially when it comes to what outside forces/ideas that children are exposed to. Whether they are watching these movies or going out in public and looking at billboards and advertisements around town, children are going to get this "secret education" and gender roles ideas elsewhere. I don't think the intention behind the article was that children shouldn't be watching these movies at all, but moreover children need to be told and realize that this isn't what "real life" is like. More recently more children's movies and books have been trying to make a push in a better direction but I feel like its too hard these days to shelter your children anymore.

  3. I understand that many people feel some sort of childhood nostalgia towards many of the movies Disney produces, but if you fail to understand the effects that the media has on your students, you are very likely to reinforce social stereotypes at home as well as in your own classroom.

    The effects of media are so obvious it is almost ridiculous for anyone to assume that the films, cartoons, and even commercials, children are watching will not have some sort of effect on them.
    For instance, most commercials for home cleaning products display women or mothers as the main character. Women are the ones cleaning, vacuuming, cooking, etc. Whether you like it or not, those commercials will sway a persons beliefs about what type of work is "woman's work". The same goes for film and television shows. It is important to be aware of social stereotypes as not to reinforce sexism and racism in your own classroom.

  4. I absolutely agree, we are starting to take things in our society very literal these days. I think that it would be down rite insane for any parent to stop their child from seeing Disney movies because of the hidden messages in them. However I do agree that the messages are very horrible and should not have been in the movie I do not see it hindering a child. I have seen every single Disney movie you can name and none of the hidden messages had any kind of affect in me and do you want to know why? Well because I was a kid and I was not paying attention to any of that. In fact I did not know anything about the hidden messages until I was much older around high school years. All in all I think that is ridiculous to stop children from seeing Disney movies.

  5. This is such a difficult discussion, but it is one that needs to be had. I think that the bottom line is that parents will influence their child in one direction no matter what. It is impossible to raise a child that is uninfluenced by someone's beliefs. Will a little girl believe that getting married is the only thing that she can accomplish with her life? Probably not. But will she see marriage as a happy and exciting event? Most likely. And quite honestly it probably will be! I think that wherever a little girl goes, unless she is locked in a tower (ha-ha), she will be influenced by something or another and probably end up getting married. And the same for boys; will watching the Knight in Shining Armor of every Disney movie fully give males their identity? No, probably not. I think that we need to stop looking at just Disney movies and think about society as a whole, because I'd risk it to say that an hour-and-a-half long movie isn't the only thing to blame.
