Monday, October 3, 2011

Textbook to Netbook

North Muskegon High School, a high school from my hometown, decided to enter the digital era. Students in grades 9-12 were each given a netbook computer. The goal of this school district is to make textbooks obsolete. These netbooks are to be used during the 8:00-3:00 school day and also at home.

Student reviews have been positive so far. Why wouldn't they be? Wouldn't you be happy if your school gave you a laptop? The students have said they can do their assignments in class, take notes, do online assignments and get things done faster. Although there are many positive aspects of the new computers, negative aspects also exist.

The school district is trying to avoid the negative aspects by creating an acceptable use policy. With this policy, all social networking sites are blocked and everything the students do online passes through school filters. Throughout my middle and high school days, our computers also had a block on social networking sites. There was always a way to access them through certain proxy websites and students always found the trick. North Muskegon's school district says that these computers will stimulate the students' minds.

I don't know about you, but if I had a laptop in front of me, I would be more distracted from my learning. I feel as though I need a hard copy of the book in front of me to grasp the information. I need something tangible that I can highlight if I need to or open it up and find a page easily.

Do you think getting rid of tangible, hard copy literature will help or harm the future generation of students?

1 comment:

  1. This is so crazy! I can't believe what this generation is becoming. I remember being in school and having the box dell computers and I thought that was cool. But now each student gets there own laptop? This is just mind boggling. When I think of high school I think back to all of the book work and in and out of class assignments that involved the book. How can this happen if all the student has available is a lap top?
    Not only would the student not be able to learn and appreciate from a textbook and understand the value of reading, this is not healthy for anyones eyes. People and children already spend so much time staring at computer screens, ipods, cell phones, and TV's. To make a student stare at a computer screen for almost 8 hours would be harmful to the eye.
    I think that this is an all around bad idea and that schools should stick to textbooks. There are so many negatives I feel about this that nothing really positive could come from it.
