Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Check this out!


So I don't know about you but I loved reading The Hunger Games. When I saw that it is coming out as a movie this March I about flipped. I know many people are really against making amazing booking into what always turn out to be not so good movies, but when I saw this trailer I couldn't help but get excited for the movie.

I am really interested to see if the movie accurately portrays the characters as I imagined them. Looking at the trailer, it seems that the movie is going to capture the strong emotions felt by all the characters in the many tense situations. I am especially excited to see how much action they show during the games. I can't wait to see more of Gale, played by
Liam Hemsworth :)

Check out the trailer and let me know what you think. Which scenes are you must excited to see played out in the film? Who do you think your favorite character is going to be?


  1. I felt the same way after seeing the trailer for this movie. I am extremely excited about seeing it, but I don't think the movie accurately portrays the characters. As we discuss in class Katniss does not look like the Katniss I imagined while reading the book. I pictured her to be really skinny and less feminine. On the other hand, I do agree that the movie seems to capture the strong emotions of the characters. Despite the fact that I don't think Katniss is accurately portrayed I still think this is going to be a great movie and I'm looking forward to seeing it as well as reading the other books.

  2. First of all Alyssa H I must say that I completely agree with you and your post. I am simply head over heels for the Hunger Games trilogy. I am still quite stunned that I had never heard anything about this book before hand. When I got about half way through the book I went to Amazon and ordered both of the next parts because I just cannot wait to know what will happen next. This book was a complete page-turner and I am so excited about the movie as well. The trailer was awesome and sparked me to be even more excited about the movie. Even though some of the characters are not what I expected them to be I still think and hope it will be an amazing movie. I didn’t picture Katniss, Gale, Peta, or rue looking like that in my head but now since I have seen the trailer and I have started part two I am visualizing these characters. I am planning on going to see this at midnight if there is a midnight shows I’m so excited!! Hunger Games is simply Amazing!!

  3. As I was watching the trailer I realized something. I am excited to see the movie so that I can compare the elements that I enjoyed from the book and see how they stack up. Just as this post originally said, it is fun to see if the movie created characters that were the same as the ones you created in your head. That being said, I feel like this movie, and all other movies that have originally started off as books don't stand a chance at getting an unbiased review. Everyone, whether they mean to or not will be comparing the movie to the books. I am looking forward to seeing the very beginning of the actual games because I feel like a movie might be able to better portray the fear, tension, and anxiety felt my the contestants. Hopefully I'll be able to view the movie for what it is and not sit there constantly comparing the book to the movie.
