Monday, November 7, 2011

Diversity in the Classroom

While reading a chapter from The Joy of Children’s Literature by Denise Johnson, I began to think back to what I learned in one of my other teaching classes. Chapter eleven from this book talks a lot about diverse perspectives in children’s literature. It talks about different cultures and groups represented in children’s books and how there are many benefits from this diversity.

In my TE 250 class I took last year, which is called Human Diversity, Power, and Opportunity in Social Institutions, we discussed this issue in depth many times. One of the main points I got out of this class was the idea that there are many different races, religions, etc. represented in a single classroom, and it is important to include all of these groups in the classroom lessons and daily activities. Literature is definitely included in this and it is important for us as teachers to choose textbooks that show minority groups along with the majority groups, choose leisure books that show many different groups so children can learn, and choose other literature to incorporate into the classroom that incorporates the diversity of all the students.

The idea of incorporating diverse literature into the classroom can be broadened into including diversity in films shown, group discussions, guest speakers, and many other daily classroom activities.


  1. I am taking TE 250 right now and we have discussed a lot of the things you've spoken about. I agree that it is essential to have diverse literature available to students in the classroom. When students feel their culture is accepted and embraced they are more likely to enjoy the educational setting and succeed. The man that came into our TE 348 class to sell textbooks has the perfect bookstore to get diverse children's books. I think all educators should look into his selection of books, because he ensures that there is a book that each student can really relate to.

  2. Using diverse literature in a classroom is so important for all students. For students in the majority culture group, using diverse literature in the classroom can help them to break down stereotypes that they previously had of other cultures. By exposing students to different cultures and their traditions, students will start to hopefully understand why a student may seem different from them. It could also encourage students of the majority culture group to be curious and to go out and learn more about different cultures.
    For students who fall under minority cultures in the classroom, using diverse literature would help give these students a chance to talk about their culture. It could help other students engage in a conversation with this student as well.
