Monday, November 14, 2011

The Hunger Games hits the Box!

I wanted to be the first to post this because I absolutely fell in love with this Trilogy! I was so excited to read this book for class. Not only is it well written but it is so unique to anything written today. It's not your typical wizards and vampires but it holds your full attention. This book made me view and appreciate my life as well as the country I live in.

When I first found out that this book was coming to theater I was super excited! I though how cool will it be to see someone else’s interpretation of this movie besides my own. Then I thought that this could be problematic. Movies are rarely ever better than the book and I don’t expect this one to be either. So it will not measure up to the book.

Also, this goes back to the whole idea of kids not having to read the books because they are on movie/dvd. How are we to promote the book when the movie looks more appealing and is less work than reading the book? I think that we will not be able to stop children from watching the movie instead of reading the book. But we can do our best to promote the reading of books and how awesome they are!

Check out the movie trailer here!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I fell in love with this book only about three chapters in! It is so full of emotion and life. The characters really speak to you and as a reader get so involved in the plot and emotionally attached to the characters. I would definitely agree that this is not the typical top shelf book that seems to be popular amongst teen readers, but this is a great side step from the standard vampire and wizards book. I would also have to agree that throughout reading this book, I felt very appreciative and thankful for the life I have the community my family lives in. Sometimes it’s easy to just take life and everything you have been given for granted and not really think about it, but this book definitely gave me a motive to reflect on my life and all the privileges I have. As for the movie version of the Hunger Games, I am so excited to see how movie producers have interpreted the text, but I am restrained from watching the trailer because I really want to read the next two books and I’m afraid that if I watch the trailers, then I will loose the perspective I have on the characters looks and mannerisms!

  3. When I heard that the Hunger Games was being turned into a movie, I was both excited and nervous at the same time. I fell in love with this book and was not able to put it down until I read it cover to cover. I knew the second I read the last page that I needed to get the next books. This is a feeling that is being taken away by movies. Why spend hours curled up with a book when you can wait to see it on the big screen? I think this problem is limiting our imaginations. Watching the movie I was both excited to see the interpretation of it, but also slightly dissapointed when the characters and scenary look so much different than I imagined them. It almost makes me feel like what I pictured was wrong, but this is not true. I think turning every widely popular book into a movie is going to ruin our youth's ability to read for the sake of reading, and will keep them from trusting their own imaginations. While I enjoy the films as much as the next person, I sometimes wish good books would be left alone.

  4. I'm actually very excited for the movie to come out. I understand why people hate seeing movies of the books that they love, but I've never been like that. I've seen all the Harry Potter movies and read all the books multiple times. I do agree that the books are way better, but I enjoy the movies as well. I think people just need to remember that the movies of popular books are just another person's interpretation of it and they shouldn't be compared. The movies have never ruined the books for me because I understand that parts need to be cut out, but I understand other people's complaints. However, I can't wait to see the movie and March is way too far away!

  5. While the movie looks great, I am a firm believer that the books are always better than their film counterparts. Movies just do not do books justice because they have to fit SO much into a small time slot. It's difficult!

    As for showing people that reading the books are better, well, that can be difficult. A movie is 2 hours, and a book takes longer to read. People have less patience to read through a book than to sit through a viewing of a movie. As sad as that is, that is the way it appears to work in our society. After all, almost every movie came/is based upon a novel.
