Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oprah's Wisdom


Above is a link to a very short article (well more like a list) on how to get your child to read. The suggestions all made sense (go to the library, set a good example, designate a reading spot for your child) but they weren't anything I did not already know. I am not saying that I know everything, but these suggestions seemed a little bland, and very common sense-y. In my classes we've talked about getting children to read by choosing books that cater to their interests, which is also something that seems very, well, obvious. A useful hint, but not too creative.

After the article there is a comment from an actual teacher with a few suggestions as well - including motivating children to read through activities while they read. This to me is a useful suggestion. Most children have short attention spans and need to actually DO things. So I think the integration of reading and active learning is a great way to promote a love of literacy!

As a teacher, I hope I can make activities like the one described in the comment. I think it is important for us to use our resources, and fellow teachers to help kids find a love for reading. Even though sometimes it may seem difficult to do!

1 comment:

  1. I read Oprah's article and I found it very interesting. I think she suggested a lot of great things about how to get children to read. The first suggestion about making it a big deal about getting a library card stuck out to me the most. I have a younger brother and going to the library is very exciting for him. It is something that he looks forward to doing after school and sometimes on the weekend. I think it is very important to get children interested in going to the library because it is so much they can be exposed to. With that being said, Oprah's second suggestion about getting them hooked to a author or series is true. Not only does my brother enjoy going to the library he also has his favorite series such as Diary of a Wimpy Kids, Captain Underpants,etc.

    I definitely agree with all of the suggestions Oprah gave and I have seen first-hand that they really do work.
