Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Let the Hunger Games....Continue On

Before this purchasing the Hunger Games book for this class, I had never heard of it before. I have to admit, even the title of the book sounds interesting, therefore when it was time to read this book, I was very interested to see what it was about. I was shocked while starting to read this book. Even in the first couple of chapters, the book is dark with a story-line that I have never read before in a book. I wondered, how did the author think about writing such a violent story? However, I couldn't put the book down. I wanted to continue to read, wanting to know what was going to happen next in the book. It was a great book and after our discussion today, it seemed like the majority of my classmates enjoyed it was well. However, I thought about the affects this book had and what I could relate it to in society. During the Hunger Games, they get all dressed up, looking their finest for the interviews on TV for everyone to watch. It reminded me of our reality TV shows, where people look their very best, with so much makeup on. In the Hunger Games I wondered why they would do this: why did they dress up and look like someone they have never been before like Katniss did. She never wore makeup before and now since she was chosen for the Hunger Games, on TV she looked like someone she has never looked like before. However, then I started to think about our society today. Why do people look their very best on TV for the entire audience to watch and are the being someone that they have neven been beofre either. This, along with several other thoughts rised as I continued to read the book. I couldn't put the book down and this book made me want to read the rest of the books in the series. I think this is what a book should do. A book should make you want to read more, making students enjoy reading. I enjoy a book that I can't seem to put down, wanting to find out everything I can until the entire book is over. With a book like the Hunger Games, there are other books in the series that continue the reading to go on and I believe that books should be this way. Once a student has found something they really enjoy, they can continue to read the entire series. This only promotes reading, making learning fun because when a student reads, they will learn as well, even if it is for enjoyment. So, hopefully other people will feel the same way I do as in wanting to continuing to read the rest of the books in the series, allowing the Hunger Games to continue on.

1 comment:

  1. I was the same way, became obsessed with the Hunger Games from the first page, I was half way through the second one before I even began my reader response paper on it. I just finished the third book a few days ago. This got me thinking about children and their taste for reading. Many kids claim they do not like reading, is that really true, or have they not found the right material? When I was a kid I liked reading but never thought of myself as someone who loved to do it. Now I find myself never being able to put a book down, I constantly carried a copy of the Hunger Games with me everywhere, and now that I have a kindle I look back and realize just how many books I really do read a week. I have found myself obsessed with reading and impatient to keep adding books to my collection. Why the sudden change? I have come into a lot of great books. I realized it is so important to find books that interest you and are well written. If you do not find books you like of course you are going to be that kid who says, "No, I do not like reading." I am now motivated that when I am in my classroom, I have to look at each child's personality and find books that suit them. It is worth the time putting in effort to find good books it if promotes reading. There are millions of books available it should be possible for every personality to find books that cause them to devour the book. I now have a hard time thinking its possible for people to not enjoy reading; I honestly think they just have not found books that suit them.
