Friday, November 11, 2011

May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor to love the Hunger Games

I can't recall the exact moment that I knew I was addicted to the Hunger Games but I think it was somewhere around the point when I could feel my heart racing right before Katniss stepped into the arena to begin the games. I literally felt like I was right there with her and could feel my blood rushing as the gong sounded. Throughout the entire book I couldn't put it down and I felt like I had to keep reading to figure out what would happen next. I think that my curiosity with this book is highly due to the ethical and controversial issues that it raises. The idea of teenagers fighting to the death for entertainment is so wrong in so many ways and yet I couldn't put this book down.

I think that this life vs. death factor keeps the reader interested because it's almost like you want to turn away but you can't because your so intrigued. The writing technique of Suzanne Collins is unique because it almost makes you forget that the Hunger Games is a fight to the death. Especially when the contestants go through the opening ceremonies, have stylists that dress them up, and have interviews on T.V., the reader almost forgets that they are in a tournament where only one can live. The reader begins to feel the affects of the life vs. death factor when you begin to make connections with Katniss, Rue, Peeta, and even Thresh. You forget that only one can live, and only then does the reality of the Hunger Games sink in. While reading it I kept thinking "This is so unethical and so wrong, how can the citizens just stand there and do nothing?" I think the fact that I was questioning the concepts and becoming so involved in the book is exactly what Collins wanted you to do. She wanted you to become upset with the Capital and to learn to dislike them. This sets you up for the rest of the book and wants you to keep reading the rest of the series. I think that Collins does a great job of intriguing the reader and having them make connections with the characters. I know that I can't wait to read the rest of the series and see what Collins has in store for me.


  1. I fell in love with this book as well. At first I didn't think I would like it because I'm really not into science fantasy, but this book was beyond great. From the moment I began to read it I couldn't put it down. I was so eager to find out what would happen next and I almost cried on numerous occasions. I have to agree with you, the idea of teenagers fighting to death was very wrong, but I had to keep reading it because I really wanted to know who would win. I also agree that Suzanne Collins writing style was very unique. I am also looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

  2. When I first found out that we were going to have to read Hunger Games I was not at all excited. I never really liked science fiction books and I don't enjoy gruesome things. Obviously I was pleasantly surprised with the book. I think that one of the ways that the book is most successful is that it creates suspense. I genuinely didn't know what was going to happen to all the characters as the book went on and I felt like i just had to keep reading. I even made one of my friends tell me what happened at the end because I just couldn't stand not knowing. I think that is a sign of a good book. My one criticism is that I feel like the characters were a little too "cool" about the fact that they were most likely going to be killed in the games. But then again, we have no way of knowing how a person should act in such a situation because we haven't been faced with that ourselves.
