Thursday, November 24, 2011

LGBTQ-Where's the education?

I just listened to the LGBTQ online lecture and it made me think a lot about LGBTQ culture being portrayed in literature. When I think back to my K-12 education the only time I ever remember being taught about this is in 11th grade history and that was because my teacher was gay. I thought it was interesting when he talked about how gay people make up 10% of the population but there are only approximately 300 books that involve a character who is LGBTQ, which is less than 1% of all literature. I also liked how he defined LQBTQ people as "invisible" because this helped me understand how he and other LGBTQ felt. Another example of this is “don’t ask don’t tell policy.” In schools today most teachers do not teach about LQBTQ because they do not want to seem biased towards them. But this makes no sense because if they are not teaching about LGBTQ they are clearly biased against them. Another thing I learned from this lecture was what the meaning of queer was. The speaker gave a good example: a woman who was dating someone that identified themselves as a man but was biologically a woman. She did not see herself as lesbian or bi-sexual and she was still trying to identify what exactly she was so she currently identified herself as queer/questioning.

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