Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Everyone knows the classic fairytales that influence so much of our population starting at a young age. Now there is a new show out called “Once upon a time” that puts a twist on the stories we know so well. Instead of being a complete fairytale it places the characters from these classics into the real world. In this show the evil queen freezes fairytale characters in the modern world with no memory of there former lives. The evil queen does this to curse them all; she is putting them in a place where there is no happily ever after. It is interesting that this place they are cursed to is just our normal world.

I am curious to know how this will affect the view people have on fairy tales. Will this be something that helps kids at a younger age see the difference between fairy tale and reality? Will a show like this that compares our reality to a place that will never have a happily ever after allow children to have more realistic expectations for life? Will it stop little girls from constantly searching for their prince charming and allow them to except the flaws we all have? The show is only two episodes in at this point; it will take time see how the story is told to have any understanding of who it may impact. But I guess I am wondering if anyone thinks stories such as this are a good way to fight the stereotypes given off by fairy tales?


  1. Kristen first I must say I think this is a great post. I believe that this show is a wonderful idea and a great way to snap our society out of fairy tales and happily ever after. I believe that this show will help our little girls and future little girls to know that looking up to finding your prince charming is probably not how your life will turn out. I think this show will have a great outcome and turn out for views because it is a great idea in my opinion.
    I also want to know if you could please tell me what channel this show is on because I am very interested in watching it. I believe that shows like this should be aired all of the time because it would be beneficial for us to see the other side of these stories and to just know that fairytale is not reality. I really think this is a very informative article because I am going to fins this show and watch it rite now ☺

  2. This is an interesting point. At the age of 21 I am still searching for my own Prince Charming. Now is this realistic? Who knows? I do know that I have always been looking for that perfect guy who can make the world right. I think that this show is a great idea. While obviously fairy tales are still around children and young girls see more than one viewpoint.

    One could argue that this may take away from the element of imagination for kids. Personally I think that the ideas of fairy tales are a great way for kids to imagine a perfect world because our own world isn’t perfect. Although fairy tales are obviously not very realistic, it’s a way for children to learn to dream. Who can stop anyone from dreaming? So why not let them dream of this prince charming?

    Although my prince charming may never come, I know that I will one day I will get married. This guy (hopefully) will treat me as though I am a princess. Because of fairy tales, and these stories I heard as a child I have set my goals, aspirations, and dreams high. What more could a girl ask for?

  3. I think this in a clever idea to help kids see that life is not always a fairytale. Things in life often don’t always work out as perfectly as you want, but life goes on. At the same time I don’t think we should get rid of traditional fairytales and convince kids that the real world never has happy endings. So many people find their prince charming and happily ever after so I don’t think we should be telling kids that will never happen. They just need to be exposed to more realistic, modern-day versions of fairytales know that life will have its ups and downs and isn’t always perfect.

  4. I really enjoyed this post. I actually watch this show and enjoy it. But coming from the fact that I'm a 20 year old woman, I understand the difference between what fairy tales tell us, and what actually happens. What I appreciate in the show is the new role that Snow White takes on, as a woman who is on the run and steals from others, she's almost the female Robin Hood. This changes her role from a passive female waiting for her prince to kiss her to a woman who takes action and goes after what she wants. I think this aspect of the show is a good one. It still gives girls the fairy tale that they love and enjoy, but it changes gender roles as well.
