Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hungry for more Hunger Games

I decided to get a head start on my reading because it always seems to pile up at the last minute. I am so glad that I made that decision because now I am hooked on the Hunger Games. I finished the book in one day and went out to Barnes & Noble and picked up Catching Fire. I thought that book was so well written and so interesting. I connected with the main character and her story. I loved that she was the narrator and gave her experience first hand. It would have been completely different if it was narrated by a different voice such as Death from the Book Thief. Collins gave the reader an opportunity to feel as though they experienced the Games themselves.
The only disadvantage that the reader had with Katniss as the narrator was that we had no idea what was going on at home. I was constantly asking, "What is Gale thinking?" Whenever anything happened with Katniss and Peeta. Or how was her mother handling everything? What was District 12 doing during the Games? How was Haymitch getting sponsors?
I loved all the parallels between some of the districts and society today. I liked that the government was referred to as the Capitol and how they always held the power and were constantly reminding the people of the districts that they can control everything. This was also displayed throughout the Hunger Games and thought it was interesting to see similarities. I enjoyed that the setting was in North America and see how different the country could be set up. All in all, I loved this book and it was definitely my favorite book so far in the course. I cannot wait to find out what happens in Catching Fire and Mockingjay.


  1. I am 100 pages in and all I want to do is keep reading! It is so different than anything I have ever read before, which really intrigues me. At first I thought the story line might have been too dark for me, but I am actually really enjoying the book. I completely agree that a disadvantage of Katniss being the narrator is the fact that you do not know what is going on with her family and Gale. As I read, I really want to know how her family is moving on without her. So far, I think "Hunger Games" is a great book and I cannot wait to keep reading!

  2. I'm only a few chapters in too, but I love the book so far! I actually brought the book with me to work yesterday and I had so many people come up to me and ask if they could borrow it. I can't wait to finish the book. I do agree that it's a disadvantage having Katniss as the narrator because I do want to know what happens with everyone else, but I like hearing the story from her point of view too.
