Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

I recently went to the East Lansing Public Library to pick up some children's books. I was so encouraged to see so many families there on a Sunday afternoon! I wandered through the picture book section, and looked at every shelf, scoping out appealing titles. Along side me were so many other kids, grabbing books and running excitedly towards their parents with their new found treasure. I'm so glad that parents agree that it is important to enrich their child's life through literature. Some children are reluctant to read, and this could be because the parents do not encourage them. By taking them to the library, and showing them how many books there are to choose from and all the other children who are reading, could spark an interest! My favorite moment was a dad telling his son that his mother found him a Spiderman book. He yelled "Awesome mom you're the best!" and ran across the library to grab his book to read. Moments like these remind me of why I want to be a teacher. I hope that I can encourage kids to be excited to read and appreciate the literature. For there are no greater adventures one can take than through reading a book.


  1. This is such a sweet entry! I think that events like going to the library are really important in families as well. The great thing about public libraries is that there is such a huge selection, and kids need to know that there is more of a selection then just what is in the classroom. I was not an avid reader at a young age but I did love animals and sports, which my parents used to get me to read more. My public library was right next to my neighborhood so it was nice that as a family we could go and read together.

  2. I agree I believe it is important for families to not only take their children to the library but also participate in book choosing as well as reading with them. I think a child will have a greater development process if their parents read with them. It will limit the questions such as "Why is it important to read?" Or "If reading is so important how come you don't read?" By taking your children to the library they have the freedom to choose whatever book appeals to them.

  3. I am studying to be an Elementary school teacher with a focus in language arts. It is really important to me to put an emphasis on reading in my classroom. I was glad when I read your post and saw that many families still take trips to the library. I think that is is so important that parents get their kids interested in books at a young age. If kids are taken to the library and see how many options there are and how many other kids are reading too they will be more inspired to continue to read throughout their life. It is important that families support their local libraryies and bookstores otherwise they will go away and children wont have this opportunity to learn.

  4. I agree with all of you. I think it is very important for children to be engaged in reading at a young age. I also think it is a great idea for families to take trips to the library together. I strongly believe that taking children to the library will make them more interested in reading because it places them in a different environment. There are so many books for them to choose from. It also allows them to see all of the other people who are there reading and this will encourage them to read as well. Personally, my family and I love going to the library and this is a trip that I will continue to make once I start my own family.

  5. I completely agree with you that literature in a child's life is so essential! When I was growing up I never enjoyed reading. I rarely even wanted to be read to. Now that I am older I value reading more and think it should be an extremely important part of every child's life. When I learned that my boyfriend's daughter (she is 10) really enjoyed reading I was excited! She has certain series that she enjoys and she reads almost every day! Reading is also a way for my boyfriend and his daughter to bond because they choose books together and really appreciate literature.

  6. I too have been to the EL public library on a Sunday and have seen families there. It makes me happy! They have a good selection of books there too, and I just want to check out all the children's books and start my classroom library! My mom would always take my brothers and I to the library and we would check out the maximum number of books it seemed. When I babysit, the kids always love it when I read them a story before they go to sleep. I love that children still find joy in reading! Hopefully it lasts throughout their childhood and into their adolescence and adulthood, because I know that that is not the case for many children readers as they grow up.
