Monday, November 14, 2011

Movies vs. Books?

I just finished the trilogy to the Hunger Games series and watched the trailer for the movie that is coming out March 23rd. It's pretty vague but I am already on the fence about it. When I saw Katniss' character, she is so different from what I pictured. I pictured some girl that has dark skin, dark eyes, dark hair. This character looked Americanized with dyed hair and feminine features. I pictured Katniss having strong prominent features that correlated to her strong personality and more Native American look to her.

A plus is that Gale is way hotter than I expected which makes the decision between Peeta and Gale even more difficult and more obvious for the reader. When I was reading the book, I was like "If Gale looks like her cousin why would she like him?" If my best friend looked like Liam Hemmsworth, I would be pretty torn too.

This also brought up the usual disappointment with movies made from books. Other than Harry Potter, all of the movies that I have seen and read the books before, I have hated. They never capture what the author describes and leave important scenes out. I am curious to see how the Hunger Games movie will turn out and whether or not it will live up to my expectations. Hopefully I love it because I cannot get enough of the Hunger Games right now.


  1. I agree with you. I watched the trailer for Hunger Games after I read the book and the characters are not at all what I pictured. I saw Katniss as more Native American as well and the girl that plays her does not resemble the image I pictured. Not only does Katniss not resemble what I imagined, none of the characters look like the image in my mind. I also agree that movies are not quite as good as the books. Books give you a better visual and put you into the story as opposed to movies. with a movie, you are being told the story and are watching it. In books, you read them and are visualizing the story as you go. You get two completely different perspectives between books and movies. Books are often more descriptive and movies tend to touch on the surface or the story or do not really go into great detail.

  2. I am on the fence with the movie coming out in March as well. While reading the book I was able to create the characters how I thought they should be in my mind. I pictured Katniss as a rough around the edges, tom boy with snarly hair and dark skin. The movie portrays her as a middle class, girly citizen. I really wanted to read the second and third books in the series before I saw the trailer, but now I think I won't enjoy them as much because I cannot use my imagination with creating the characters' look. I almost wish I hadn't seen the trailer.

  3. Emilee this is exactly how I am thinking. I am just hoping that this movie turns out kind of Harry Potter is. I also feel that Harry Potter is one of the best movies that depict a book that preceded it. Twilight is one of my favorite books as well however I honestly feel the movies SUCKKKKKK! The Hunger games has become an obsession for me lol so I am more than hoping this move depicts the authors intent and is not to far off or I will be hurt and disappointed. The trailer in my opinion appeared that the movie could be a quality project. However I do agree that some of the characters are not what I expected them to be I still think and hope it will be an amazing movie. I didn’t picture Katniss, Gale, Peta, or rue looking like that in my head but now since I have seen the trailer and I have started part two I am visualizing these characters. Liam Hemmsworth is gorgeous so if the movie is flop I plan on starring at his character to blind me from the disappointment in the movie ☺

  4. I am also obsessed with The Hunger Games series and am just as nervous about the first movie! When books I have read are turned into movies, I have a tendency to not like the movie as much as the book. I think it is very difficult for movies to portray the same amount of detail and emotion as displayed in the book. The movie typically has to do such things without the help of a narrator, which I think eliminates some of the emotion that exists in the book. My favorite book in the whole world is The Time Travelers Wife; it was turned into a movie and I absolutely hated it. So much feeling was lost; it did not do the book justice. Another thing I do not like about books turning into movies is the looks and personalities of the characters. When reading a book, I make up the characters inside my head based off of how I perceive them to look and act like, same with their surroundings. Once a movie is made from the book, then all of the scenes and characters are determined for you and there is no room for imagination.
