Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Justin Bieber Promotes Literacy!


Above is a link to a 2 minute video clip of Justin Bieber on the Today Show. While he only speaks about reading for a brief while, he is on the show to promote literacy nonetheless.

When you think about it, Bieber has approximately 8.5 gazillon fans... and if he shows a strong interest in reading, maybe, just maybe, some of his fans will too. He probably has the power to persuade many, many people that reading is great! That is quite the power to have.

Who knows if Bieber really likes to read, but if you put his face next to a library card on a billboard, think about how many people (okay, how many tween girls) will be intrigued and possibly get their own library card. I think celebrities should do things like this, like hold events about reading, more often. Many people listen to what they have to say, and look up to them as role models. Maybe if Bieber is caught by the paparazzi reading the Hunger Games, his fans will go buy the book and read it. After all, what Justin does has to be cool, right??


  1. I agree with this 100%. People always follow celebrities, especially young girls. If more celebrities promoted reading than I think a lot more students would get into it. At my elementary school we had posters of different celebrities reading, from Oprah to Kobe and Shaq. If celebs did more and spoke more about it than kids would read follow and give reading a chance.

  2. I found this post very interesting and I definitely agree with you. I strongly believe that people love to follow celebrities and as Courtney stated, "especially young girls". I think a lot of other celebrities should promote reading. Whether we like it or not children really do look up to celebrities and are greatly influenced by media so if more celebrities promote reading it will encourage children to read.

  3. I also agree. Justin Bieber has many, many fans and could help advocate that reading is a fun and important thing to do. There are so many fans that look up to him as a role model, so this video can only help to increase literacy. If little girls see that Justin Bieber enjoys reading, they will possibly imitate him and pick up a book to read. I think it is cool to see a celebrity talk about how important reading is. I think this video could definitely be a good thing for children.
