Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Snow White Movie

I saw a preview for a new movie with a twist on the original fairy tale of Snow White. It looks pretty intense and definitely updated. I'm curious to see how they will keep the original storyline and what they will change about the story. I also wonder if it's going to be PG or not because it seemed kind of violent.

One thing I'm not too excited about is that Kristen Stewart is Snow White. In my opinion, I don't really like her as an actress and I think that she might ruin the story all together. Although, Charlize Theoren (not sure how to spell her last name) is the Queen. In the previews, she looks amazing and completely convincing as the wicked villain. She is exactly how I would picture the queen. I will probably end up seeing the movie because I loved the story of Snow White as a kid and I am curious as to how they will spin this.


  1. I have seen two previews for two different Snow White movies coming out. I am so surprised that there are two of them! I agree the movie does look intense and action-packed and also wonder what it will be rated. Will the movie's audience be for children or adults? When I think of Snow White I associate the viewers being kids, but these new Snow White movies seem to be less kid friendly. As a kid, I loved all the Disney princess' and it is going to be very interesting to see Snow White in a whole different way. The commercials for both the upcoming films seem to put their own twist on the fairy tale.

  2. Can someone post a trailer for these movies? I have not yet seen any of these yet. Too busy to watch TV and movies (feel bad for me please).

    I have never decided how I felt about multiple remakes of classic stories or movies. Should you leave a good thing alone? Can you make something more relevant to today and keep a similar story?

    In response to Emilee's original post, I think it is interesting that you said you are unhappy with the characters chosen for the movie. It reminded me of a discussion in section 6, about how readers may or may not be upset when specific actors or directors change the experience for the viewer when it becomes a film. I think your comments above relate to this. I don't think I want to see this in theaters because I still remember seeing Snow White (the disney cartoon original) in theaters as the first theater movie that I saw as a child. I do not want to ruin this memory just in case it cannot compare, (I really don't think it can compete haha)!

  3. Emilee I was very excited when I seen this post because I am very happy that a snow-white move is in production. I also was a very huge fan of snow-white as a kid. I really hope this movie turns out to be positive because I really enjoyed snow-white throughout my childhood years. I agree that turning classics into modern day movies is very risky because something’s are just irreplaceable.

    I was also very shocked when I found out that Kristen Stewart was casted as Snow White in the upcoming movie. Although I do believe she is a fairly good actress it will be hard for me to get my head out of the mindset of twilight. It is really hard for me to picture an actress/actor that has been casted in a reoccurring role such as the cast of harry potter or twilight because I become accustomed to them in that role and that role only.
    I hope this movie will turn out overall amazing so I can make it a classic as well. I cant wait to see this movie and I am very glad that you brought it up. Great post!!

  4. I haven't seen a trailer for this, but it sounds interesting. I know there have been remakes of "Snow White" in the past, using real people, so this is not the first. Obviously, it will not be completely like the Disney version. I wonder if the movie makers will go back to the Grimm Brothers' roots of the tale and make it dark and twisted. That would be something different, but it would be welcomed by me!

    It's funny Kristen Stewart is playing Snow White. Like it was said, I am so used to seeing her as Bella from the Twilight Saga, that it might be hard to wrap my head around her playing a different role. She definitely is typecast as that girl though... you know the girl who is mysterious and has a lot of issues. I am going to youtube this preview now!
