Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A little bit nervous....

After the discussions in class today talking about the use for graphic novels and teaching controversial literature, we got to talking about the curriculum a little bit and how teaching has turned so much into teaching for the tests rather than teaching creatively for lasting intelligence. I talked with my 5th grade teacher a while back and he was saying how teaching has become not as fun as it used to be for him because there was so much pressure on the tests and it was hard to adjust to the various learning speeds of kids and even a bit in the creativity. He said he had to get a lot more creative in order to teach the kids along the curriculum in an entertaining way which was fun, but some of his favorite projects they used to teach were not able to be done anymore.

Hearing this and how much pressure there is on testing scares me a bit. I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in 4th grade, but with all the negative connotations these days, it is intimidating as far as will I still be good at this? Will I be able to be creative enough and cater to individual students if we have to move on but they don't understand? I am not sure if this is scary to anyone else but I still absolutely have a love for teaching and believe I could rise to the occasion, it is just hard right now to maintain the optimism and love for school that I once had considering the struggles many teachers are and will continue to face. It makes me nervous to think how much pressure there is to get through all of the material which is often more essential than full comprehension. I think that teaching is such an important job and there is so much teachers have to do and accomplish that is not anywhere near as easy as people make it out to be. You absolutely have to have a passion for it to be successful and have intelligent students, I just hope my passion and love for it does not get overshadowed by the intimidation of the curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. I've struggled with this issue since I decided to become an education major. It seemed that everywhere I went teachers were complaining about how hard it's getting, how teachers are losing their voices, and how the administration is making it hard for teachers to be creative. I felt unsure if I should continue on with school and become a teacher or if I should pick a less controversial career. then I realized how ridiculous I was being. Yes, being a teacher is going to be extremely challenging and yes, there are many issues in the curriculum that need to be worked out. I want to become a teacher so that I can work towards change and fight against some of the current problems our MI education program is having. I know it will be a struggle, but I also know that my career will be very rewarding. Even if I don't get validation from the school or the administration I will find validation amongst my students and in myself, knowing that I made a difference.
